Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Food News Roundup

There are two interesting stories today, one in The New York Times and the other in The San Francisco Chronicle featuring two food activist that I want to recommend:

The NYT story, by Kim Severson, profiles Robyn O'Brien who transformed herself into a children's food allergy activist after one of her kids suffered an allergic attack at home. In addition to creating this website,, O'Brien has questioned the health effects of food additives and processed foods on kids, and she has also advocated serving kids whole, non-processed foods. Her story is one in a soon-to-be-released book, "Healthy Child, Healthy World."

The Chronicle story, by Carol Ness, takes a look at what Michael Pollan is up to now that his new book, "In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto", is out. Somewhat surpisingly, Pollan tells her that he is planning to move on from writing about food and farming to turn his attention elsewhere. He tells Ness that he has been "uncomfortable" becoming a food movement leader and spokesperson and that he prefers to see himself as a journalist who exposes the facts rather than as a leader of a movement. He rightfully asks, "where are the politicians?" He also told Ness that he does not feel like it is his responsibility to fill the leadership vacuum in the food movement. Very interesting. My question is, who is going to fill that vacuum?

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